Tesla Powerwall 3 is coming soon!

Colourful fireworks with red, purple, and green bursts against a dark night sky.

Platinum and green: A strong combination with hope for the future

Watching the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, particularly that magnificent ‘natural world’ light show projected against Buckingham Palace during the Saturday night concert, it was clear that the environment is as big a concern for the Royal family as it is for the whole nation. 

In his tribute to Her Majesty, Prince William reflected that her long life has seen many previously unimaginable technological developments and scientific breakthroughs, and at the same time, our awareness of our impact on the Earth has increased as our planet has become more fragile. 

He said: ’In 2022, as the Queen celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, the pressing need to protect and restore our planet has never been more urgent. But, like her, I am an optimist. Decades of making the case for taking better care of our world has meant that environmental issues are now at the top of the global agenda. 

‘More and more businesses and politicians are answering the call, and perhaps most inspiringly, the cause is now being spearheaded by an amazing and united generation of young people across the world. 

‘When humankind focuses its mind – anything is possible.’ 


At SCA Solar, these sentiments resonate strongly with us, because we are a business that believes passionately in protecting the environment. It is why we chose to work in renewable energy as it is one of the ways individual homeowners and business owners can make a difference – and we can show them how. 

We know it’s not feasible for every building to have a viable solar panel system, and in today’s tough economic climate, there has to be a solid financial case to make the investment.  Based on our years of experience and our knowledge of the benefits and return on investment customers can expect, we can help you make that judgement call. 

To find out more, contact Shaun at info@scasolar.co.uk – and find out if solar energy at your home or business premises could help to protect your quality of life and our wonderful world. 

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Tesla Powerwall 3
Tesla Powerwall 3
Coming Soon

Store energy for intelligent home backup and grid independence, complete with remote monitoring anywhere, anytime.

Now available for pre-order!