Tesla Powerwall 3 is coming soon!

Illustration of a cityscape at night; buildings with windows are depicted, with one building lit in yellow while the others appear dark, possibly due to a power cut. A crescent moon and stars are visible in the dark blue sky.

Battery technology means businesses can keep operating during a power cut

While PV solar panels may not be suitable for every home or business, the great strides in battery technology over recent years offer an opportunity to mitigate the effects of power cuts.

For a business, an unexpected power outage can wipe out production, and also paralyse office work, perhaps necessitating sending staff home on full pay, because they simply cannot work without their computers and phones.

At SCA Solar, we are a designer and installer of Solar PV and Battery Systems, and we have recently been asked to scope out ‘battery-only’ systems for a couple of companies that would enable them to keep operating in the event of a power outage – making sure they don’t lose valuable working hours and that they can keep responding to customer enquiries to protect their future business.

Keeping the lights on – and the computers going!

Explained SCA’s founder and MD Shaun Giltrap: ‘We’re not suggesting it’s possible for a battery back-up system to keep heavy machinery working – but if it’s about keeping the lights on and the computers going, it’s a lot more feasible.

‘Our systems are entirely bespoke – we would look at a company’s electricity bills and talk to managers about what is essential to enable staff to carry out their day-to-day work. We can design batteries and control combinations that can power servers and phone systems for several hours – even a whole day.

‘We have been talking mainly to commercial enterprises – but as time goes on, this kind of technology could be immensely helpful for other organisations too. A hospital may have back-up generators – but does your dentist or doctor’s surgery? The presence of one of our systems could ensure patients still get seen and receive vital advice or prescriptions.

The best thing to do is talk to us – be ready to share details of your monthly electricity spend, the key items of equipment and how many people are employed in operating them to keep your business running at basic level.

We’ll give you an honest assessment of whether we think a battery storage system is a good option – and a full quote covering all aspects of the cost.

And what about at home?

On cold, dark winter nights – a power cut isn’t much fun at home either! The novelty and romance of a candlelit evening, can very soon wear thin…

One of the solutions is a Tesla Powerwall – and there’s no need to be driving a TESLA vehicle to have one.

This autumn the innovative hi-tech giant will be launching the Tesla Powerwall 3 – specifically designed to be a home energy storage system. Powerwall | Tesla United Kingdom

Designed to store power either from solar panels or from the grid during periods when tariffs are more economical, the discreet unit which can be mounted externally, can power the devices and appliances in your home day and night – including during power outages.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a feature of such systems, which can have customisable power modes so you can optimise your stored energy for outage protection as well as savings on your electricity bill.

Said Shaun: ‘When it comes to enabling access to electricity during power cuts, you need to be realistic. A Tesla Powerwall 3 can store up to 13.5 kilowatt hours of energy – and that will power a lot of lights and even the TV. If you start running electrically powered showers and the washing machine which have heavy electrical requirements, it’s obviously not going to last as long. People often don’t realise that boiling a kettle is quite energy hungry…it’s all about knowing your own appliances.’

So, whatever your needs – if you want to be sure that your household will have access to all your home comforts even when a winter storm has brought the power lines down, or you want to ensure an elderly friend or relative has some protection, or you just can’t bear the thought of teenagers unable to charge their phones for a day, why not get in touch with SCA Solar and find out what the options are.

And of course, if you want solar panels on any property in Cheshire, domestic or commercial – that’s our core business. See SCA Solar | Solar PV & Battery Storage Installation | Cheshire.

And if all this isn’t enough, there are still some Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) payments available for electricity you send back to the national grid – check out (Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) | Ofgem).

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Tesla Powerwall 3
Tesla Powerwall 3
Coming Soon

Store energy for intelligent home backup and grid independence, complete with remote monitoring anywhere, anytime.

Now available for pre-order!