Tesla Powerwall 3 is coming soon!

Solar panels against a blue sky with fluffy clouds, highlighting renewable energy technology as a solution to rising energy prices.

The domino effect of rising energy prices – and one way to take back control

It’s easy to understand the pressures on gas prices as we hear about them a lot in the news: reduced supplies from Russia combined with higher demand from other parts of the world, adverse weather conditions and natural disasters, to name but a few. 

But why the hike in electricity prices? 

The simple answer is because Britain generates around a third of its electricity from burning natural gas – so there is a domino effect on electricity prices when the cost of gas goes up. 

But that’s not all: in September last year, there was a fire at National Grid site at Sellindge in Kent (a key electricity link between Britain and France) which, by some estimates, will affect supply until autumn 2023…. as well as putting additional pressure on wholesale electricity prices. 


There has also been a drop in supply from renewables like wind because of this year’s weather (even if it doesn’t feel that way!) 

So, it’s a combination of factors that have all driven costs in the wrong direction. 

The problem is that many householders feel ‘powerless’ to do anything about it – however there it one way you can try and futureproof some of their energy costs, and that’s by investing in a combination of solar panels and associated batteries. 

Of course, there is an upfront investment, but at SCA Solar we believe that on a typical south-facing three bedroomed property, these costs can be recouped within around seven years – and that’s at today’s electricity prices. 

Give us the details about your electricity bills and the appliances you use – and a bit of background about your property – and we’ll be able to tell you if one of our solar energy systems would be appropriate for you. 

It’s perhaps the only opportunity to take back some control of those energy bills. 

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Tesla Powerwall 3
Tesla Powerwall 3
Coming Soon

Store energy for intelligent home backup and grid independence, complete with remote monitoring anywhere, anytime.

Now available for pre-order!